Human Connections London

Do Wellness Retreats have a Future?

April 09, 20233 min read

Let’s talk about wellness retreats, since a good number of you plan to go on a wellness retreat in 2023 and since that is what Human Connections has started organising for more than a year and half having organised 3 of them so far.

What is a wellness retreat?

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as “the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a stateof holistic health.” We would add “mental and physical” before health.

Is it still accurate in this peri-pandemic world?

The reason of the success of our retreat Love & Wise is that people are now looking for quite a different sort of retreatwhen they come on a wellness retreat now.

Our retreat, Love & Rise retreat aimed to improve your relationship with yourself, your family & friends colleagues toimprove your capacity to find love.

We meditate, chant, practice yoga, dance, EFT tapping, hike and do hypnotherapy using mindfulness and exchanging ourexperiences to magnify the results. Most people coming are complete beginners and leave with a wonderful set of tools tofind love.

Hi, sorry to interrupt your reading, but, are you ready to find love and connect with someone special? Let's work together to get you set for success and raise your desirability factor! With strategies to guide your search and tips to seal the deal, your dream match is closer than you think. Let's make it happen! Sign up to our next 🆓 webinar + live Q&A on 3 Fail-proof dating strategies to find a long-lasting relationship Wednesday 26th April @ 6pm :

So what has changed?

  1. Our guests top priorities was to reconnect with nature.

  2. The next notable change was that guests wanted to spend more time just resting, sitting under the lime trees in a deckchair, quietly reading a book or taking a nap. Well, we do have your quiet time, and, in France you will also enjoy our heated swimming pool / jacuzzi at disposal. 🧘‍♀️ 

  3. Many of our potential guests, on booking, inquired if they would be staying in a private house 🏡 . Of course, we confirmed that they would, but emphasized that this comfortable chalet is no luxurious hotel, and that the food, though magnificent, is not Michelin star. When we asked them about it when they got here, they all insisted that they prefer to stay in someone’s house, partly as they considered it safer, but also because they wanted to connect tolocal people, support local businesses and learn more about the local culture.

  4. We had more requests for private retreats than ever. As such, we also organised one-on-one retreat which was also very enjoyable, both Stéphanie Tumba and I felt that we got to know our guests much better, so much so that several of them are now close friends, so we decided to stick to small groups in future (not more than 12), both during our wellness retreats and for personal coaching session available on request.

Could it be that the definition of wellness has changed, and therefore the definition of wellness retreats?

The definition, “Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental healthoutcomes,” sounds adequate, until you realise that wellness is about much more: “Wellness is a holistic integration ofphysical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fuelling the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing the spirit.” (1) and “alifestyle and a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to become the best kind of person that yourpotentials, circumstances, and fate will allow.” (2)

Wellness consists of 8 mutually interdependent dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational,financial, and environmental. I very much suspect that potential wellness retreat guests intend to find retreats that willenable them to increase their sense of wellbeing in each of these 8 dimensions.

Would you agree?

Written by Miia & Marghareta

retreatlove retreatself loveHypnotherapy EFT retreatHypnotherapy retreat in greeceretreat in Greece
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Human Connections

Human Connections is a dating agency based in London

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